Through the Praise of Children (by Katelyn Truett)

Psalm 8:2 says, “Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.” Don’t you see the Lord’s heart here? Every single life, no matter the age, is useful for furthering the Kingdom of God. You can see that He has a BIG place in His heart for children and infants. We see that all throughout Scripture as He uses young people to do incredible things for Him.

Somewhere along the way, we have attempted to devalue what our kids say and believe. That is our enemy at work because he knows the power those little ones hold! I say all of this to bring your attention to the fact that children have authority when they pray. So let them do it! Let them partner with you in the things for which you are contending.

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with my grown up problems that I forget that my Father asks me to have a childlike faith. I read this Scripture a few months ago and it brought me to my knees in humility. Since then, we have fairly regular praise parties with my 2 year old at my house. This means that we turn on praise or worship music that we can dance to and we praise with FULLNESS in our hearts. Sometimes it means that I dance like a fool in my living room with tears streaming down my face because I know the weight the of issues we face, but I also know the power of what we’re doing in the moment. Invite your children into the intimacy of your relationship with Jesus and watch how the dynamics of situations in your life change!

(Katelyn is our Administrative Assistant and co-leader of our Young Adults group)